
Friday, October 3, 2008

Another RTEE (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil) Group, Session 5 - (Spoilers)

This is the tale of another group going through the RTEE mega-adventure. The following contains a few spoilers about what they did (but since I let my players read it, there aren’t any regarding future events). If you are currently or will soon be participating in this adventure as a player, use your own judgment as to whether you read on...
****Spoiler Space****
Session 5
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After their trip to Verbobonc, the party made their way back to the moathouse. A bit of poking around led them to the spot mentioned by Spugnoir as being the entrance to another set of tunnels. They made their way in to a set of rooms, encountering the three cockatrices that made the chambers their home. The first pair gave them a bit of worry, though the third one was almost no challenge at all. Further investigation revealed skeletal remains inside the last room. They all collectively shivered when Serena announced that the medallion the skeleton was wearing was the symbol of Lolth. Unsure what that meant, they made their way back to the riverbed and their mounts. Because of the route required, they spent the night in Hommlet again before continuing on to Nulb.
In Nulb, they started their investigation at the dilapidated inn. The groups paranoia ramped up considerably when they looked near the bar, noticing the lower temperature. As they began to move upstairs, Wat struck, killing Gefton with a single strike. Torgga swung her axe, which passed though the ghost harmlessly. Charmaine fired an arrow, with even less effect. Serena called upon the might of Pelor, attempting to use her greater turning power. While the effect of the power was strong, it wasn’t enough to turn Wat. The ghost then did something they didn’t expect, he reached up with his left hand and ripped the flesh from his head! Everyone, except poor Charmaine, managed to resist the horror of the sight. Jenna used her Magic Missiles to batter Wat, who engaged in melee with Torgga. A few swings later, Torgga’s axe finally bit, injuring the ghost before Jenna finished him with another barrage of Missiles. Gathering up their fallen comrade and Wat’s sword, they made haste back to Hommlet, in hopes of getting him raised.
The visit to the temple of Pelor left them little better off, though with the information that the temple of St. Cuthbert could be of assistance. While somewhat agitated at being disturbed this late, the Canoness cast Raise Dead on Gefton, and a Restoration on Charmaine, offering to cast two more the following day. Finding a room at the inn, they turned in for the evening. After stopping at the temple once again (more Restorations for Charmaine), they rode back to Nulb.
Back in Nulb, they did some more investigation around the inn. Upstairs they found the tormented soul of Dala. Serena tried to dispel the spirit, but couldn’t seem to draw forth enough power. The group decided to put the poltergeist to rest, quickly dispatching it with Gefton’s new sword and a few Magic Missiles. Further investigation around town led them to the old market and a beached boat. The market was almost completely collapsed, so they went to the boat to see if anything of value was there. Their horses and dogs gave them an early indication that something was amiss, so they approached cautiously. Inside the cramped cabin they were attacked by two wraiths and their “pet” ochre jelly. Battle within the confines of the boat was difficult, though a few spells against the jelly drove it away while Gefton and Torgga took on the wraiths and dispatched them quickly.
Further down the road they decided to investigate a fairly intact building with a sign that read “Herbs”. The shop was in shambles, the remnants of inventory and storage bins scattered about. In the one of the bedrooms in the back they stumbled across a disfigured man that yelled at them, “What are you doing in my house?” They were rather diplomatic with the man, asking him questions about the town. He told them that undead wander around, especially at night. They finally left, still curious about the bizarre hermit. It was getting dark, and not wanting to camp outside the temple, they went back to the inn, hoping for a peaceful evening. They had a rather restless night...what do you expect when you sleep in a haunted inn in a ghost town?
In the morning, they set out for the Temple of Elemental Evil. They followed the path to the main gate. Sharp eyes and paranoia prevailed for they spotted the hobgoblins hiding amongst the rubble of the gate house. A short melee ensued. As they wrapped up the last of the hobgoblins, Serena noticed more guards ducking into the temple itself, shutting the door behind them.
Chris Dial

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