
Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The model we are presenting here assumes that the religions of a particular pantheon occupy a specific geographic territory. Naturally, religion and politics mix at times. In history, the Catholic Church and its various sects, mixed with politics and the results shook the world— those being such events as the rise and fall of the Knights Templar, the Inquisition, the Anti- Popes, and the Reformation, etc. And that was a monotheistic religion! Imagine what a pantheon with dozens of deities, of various creeds, spheres of influence (and ethos/alignments), sects and followers might generate. In short, a lot of political and theological intrigue can abound, and will likely have a great effect on your campaign.
Let’s create a specific example. We have 10 states that belong to the overall Greco-Roman pantheon: We’ll call them the Empire of Gigga, which includes of the Kingdom of Gial, the Duchy of Hedda and the Duchy of Ellinas; then there are the kingdoms of Lukku and Ernern that also honor the pantheon, as well as the Republic of Alexia, the Free Shires of Cindia, the City- State of Hughha, and the Isle Kingdom of Jertro.
The main pantheon is overseen by the Xagnan Territory, a sovereign temple-city where the subprelates of the pantheon have their senate. The senate consists of the 12 major Greco-Roman gods, which rule by majority vote. Gigga, Gial, Hedda, Ellinas, Lukku, and Ernren all are loyal to the Xagnan council. However, the other states are not as loyal.
First, Alexia is a republic where many mages have come into power, and it seems that several immigrants from a nearby state which worships Egyptian deities have had some influence on the pantheon. In particular, the state seems to be somewhat taking a heretical stance, combining the images of Thoth and Mercury, and bringing that deity to prominence. While those deities are allied—this is a syncretistic sect—they are basically respectful of the Xagnan council, and want to reconcile the deity with the pantheon. Things are tense, especially considering Alexia contains the most powerful concentration of mages and mage guilds.
Cinda is another story. Cinda is a state where recently a ruling faction of women came into power—after taking in some immigrants from a land of “amazons” as well as having a large number of elvish citizens, and some problems with a recent marriage between the families of Cinda and Lukku. They are trying to set up a more female view of the pantheon, accepting Athena, Hestia, and Venus as the ruling triumvirate of gods.
Hughha never followed the Xagnan dogma. This city-state is a gateway to other ports of call, ruled by a merchant council, and they respect all the various sects, variant interpretations, “heresies,” and other factions—so long as it’s not a malevolent cult. It is a place where those deities not officially recognized by the Xagnans are worshiped, including the Titans and Numina gods. Many who feel their beliefs are persecuted come here for the religious freedom. Jertro is an island kingdom founded by the merging of several pirate bands, orcs, and a powerful witch-queen. She has set up a religion recognizing only Hecate, along with the minor gods Dispater and Orcus (note to D20 fans— these are real Greco-Roman gods here, not who-you-think, although they are similar).
In short, this is just a small sample of how a large group of states might interact with an overall pantheon. Add another 100 states and a half-dozen pantheons, and imagine the intrigues that are likely to be brewing!

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